Kategori: Publikationer
Do indoor chemicals promote development of airway allergy?
Recommendations for standardization of clinical trials with Allergen Specific Immunotherapy for respiratory allergy. A statement of a World Allergy Organization (WAO) taskforce
Allergology in Denmark 2006
Does lipophilicity per se induce adjuvant effects? Methyl palmitate as model substance does not affect ovalbumin sensitization
Scandinavian Clinical Practice Guidelines on the diagnosis, management and follow-up of anaphylaxis during anaesthesia
Allergology in the regional Denmark. The Danish Society for Allergology
Epidemiological and clinical studies on hand eczema in a population-based twin sample
Severity of hand eczema assessed by patients and dermatologist using a photographic guide
En fotoguide med fotografier af håndeksem blev anvendt af patienter med håndeksem og hudlæger til vurdering af eksemets sværhedsgrad. Der var god overensstemmelse mellem patient og hudlæges vurdering af håndeksemets sværhedsgrad. Fotoguiden kan anvendes som et pålideligt instrument til vurdering af håndeksems sværhedsgrad i studier af håndeksem.