Videnskabelige publikationer
Her finder du henvisninger til relevant forskning i bageres allergi og eksemproblemer.
Videncentrets forskning
- Skoet R, Olsen J, Mathiesen B, Iversen L, Johansen JD, Agner T, A survey of occupational hand eczema in Denmark, Contact Dermatitis 2004, 51, 159-166
- Hald M, Agner T, Blands J, Johansen JD, Delay in medical attention to hand eczema: a follow-up study, British J Dermatol 2009, 161, 1294-1300
Anden forskning
- Koch P, Occupational Contact Dermatitis, Am J Clin Dermatol 2001, 2(6), 353-365
- Kanerva L, Elsner P, Wahlberg JE, Maibach HI, Handbook of occupational dermatology, Springer Berlin, 2000, p. 203, 817-820
- Quirce S, Cuevas M, Diez-Gomez ML, Fernandez-Rivas M, Hinojosa M, Gonzales R, Losada E, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1992, 90, 970-978
- Guarneri F, Occupational allergy to cinnamal in a baker, Contact dermatitis 2010,63, 294-294
- Kanerva L, Toikkanen R, Jolanski R, Estlander T, Statistical data on occupational contact urticaria, Contact Dermatitis 1996, 35, 229-233
- Brisman J, Meding B, Jarvholm B, Occurrence of self reported hand eczema in Swedish bakers, Occup Environmen Med, 1998, 55, 750-754