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Antal resultater: 8
28 dages opfølgning af lappetestreaktioner på p-phenylendiamine og p-phenylendiamin-dihydrochlorid: et multicenterstudie på vegne af EECDRG.

Young E, Andersen KE, Bruze M, Giménez-Arnau A, Ross-Hansen K, Johansen JD, Madsen JT, Zimerson E, Svedman C.

Contact Dermatitis. 2019 Jul;81(1):1-8.

Abstract | Resumé
Encapsulating contact allergens in liposomes, ethosomes, and polycaprolactone may affect their sensitizing properties

Madsen JT, Vogel S, Johansen JD, Andersen KE

Cutan Ocul Toxicol 2011, 30(2):116-23

Abstract | Resumé
Percutaneous penetration characteristics and release kinetics of contact allergens encapsulated in ethosomes

Madsen JT, Vogel S, Johansen JD, Sørensen JA, Andersen KE, Nielsen JB

Cutan Ocul Toxicol 2011, Mar;30(1):38-44

Abstract | Resumé
Ethosome formulation of contact allergens may enhance patch test reactions in patients

Madsen JT, Vogel S, Karlberg AT, Simonsson C, Johansen JD, Andersen KE

Contact Dermatitis 2010, 63: 209–214

Abstract | Resumé
Ethosome formulations of known contact allergens can increase their sensitizing capacity

Madsen JT, Vogel S, Karlberg AT, Simonsson C, Johansen JD, Andersen KE

Acta Derm Venereol 2010, 90(4):374-8

Abstract | Resumé
Airborne chemicals cause respiratory symptoms in individuals with contact allergy

Elberling J, Linneberg A, Mosbech H, Dirksen A, Menne T, Frolund L, Madsen F, Nielsen NH, Johansen JD

Contact Dermatitis 2005, 52(6): 65-72

Abstract | Resumé
Mucosal symptoms elicited by fragrance products in a population based sample in relation to atopy and bronchial hyper-reactivity

Elberling J, Linneberg A, Dirksen A, Johansen JD, Frolund L, Madsen F, Nielsen NH, Mosbech H

Clin Exp Allergy 2005, 35: 75-81

Abstract | Resumé
A link between skin and airways regarding sensitivity to fragrance products?

Elberling J, Linneberg A, Mosbech H, Dirksen A, Frølund L, Madsen F, Nielsen NH, Johansen JD

Br J Dermatol 2004, 151(6):197-203

Abstract | Resumé