SPAM varsel / SPAM warning

Der udsendes p.t. FALSKE FAKTURAER med videncenteret som afsender med titel ‘Faktura [######]’.
Åben dem ikke! Sagen er meldt til politiet. Vi beklager ulejligheden.
Det er desværre ret nemt at lave disse falske mails, men vi vil her informere i det omfang vi har kendskab til yderligere misbrug.
At the moment false invoice emails are being sent with the Allergy Research Centre as sender. These false emails contain the subject title ‘Faktura [######]’ or ‘Invoice [######]’.
Do not open these emails! We have notified the police and apologise for the inconvenience.
It is unfortunately easy to create and send these false emails, but we will keep this post updated should there be any further cases of misuse.